Tigran Grigoryan Tigran Grigoryan is a political analyst and political activist from Nagorno-Karabakh. He has worked as a political commentator for outlets like Lragir.am, 7or.am, ”Analyticon” monthly journal, etc.

Mihai Popsoi Mihai Popșoi is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Political Studies at the University of Milan, researching the relationship between Europeanization and democratization in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

Maryna Vorotnyuk, PhD, is an expert working on security developments in the Black Sea region, Ukrainian and Turkish foreign policies, and the Southern Caucasus.

Ann Tsurtsumia-Zurabashvili currently works at the Parliament of Georgia.Ann was a Marie-Skłodowska Curie Fellow at Dublin City University (2014-2017) and in her PhD her research she focuses on the practice of counter-recognition and reintegration in the post-Soviet space.

Alex Nice has ten years’ experience conducting research on Russia’s economy, domestic politics and foreign policy within the NGO, academic and corporate sectors.

Dr. Karena Avedissian is a political scientist focusing on social movements, new media, civil society, and security in the former Soviet Union, with an area focus on Russia and the Caucasus.

Alessandra Russo is Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Centre Emile Durkheim, Sciences Po Bordeaux, France. She has published, among others, on European Security, Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asian Survey, The International Spectator.

Dr. Gurer is Philipp Schwartz Initiative Fellow at the University of Siegen, Germany and conducting research on “Conflict, Refugees and Dynamics of Integration.” He has received his Ph.D. degree from Department of Political Science at Kent State University, USA (2007). see full bio.