Max Fras, PhD, is is an international development consultant working in the fields of civil society, research and education policy, youth policy, culture and human rights. He holds a PhD in social sciences from the Open University as well as MAs from Wroclaw University (International Relations and European Integration and the Cambridge Centre for Jewish–Christian Relations (Interreligious studies). Dr Fras works for international organisations, notably the European Union, the Council of Europe and UN agencies as well as donor organisations and governments (GIZ, USAID) on issues of civil society, research and education policy, youth policy, culture and human rights. His expertise covers Europe and its neighbourhood, including South-East Europe (Western Balkans), Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, North Africa and the Middle East and Central Asia. Between 2005 and 2009, he taught politics at the UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) and between 2017 and 2019, he was a visiting fellow at the LSE European Institute (Research on South-East Europe).