Category: Events
Democratic security in the ‘frontline states’ of Georgia and Moldova
London School of Economics and Democratic Security Institute are organizing a joint event on Democratic security in the ‘frontline states’ of Georgia and Moldova Date: 29th January, 15:00-15:30 (London time) / 19:00 (Tbilisi time)
DSI Director Alexander Scrivener On Al Jazeera
DSI Director Alexander Scrivener on ABC News
Belarus: Navigating Turmoil and Transformation
Democratic Security Institute organizes an online panel discussion on Belarus: Navigating Turmoil and Transformation
Upcoming Event: How can Georgian democracy be saved?
A discussion of the possible outcomes of Georgian Dream’s foreign agent law targeting civil society and how the country can move forward. Thursday, May 16th, 2024 5pm GMT / 9am EDT / 2pm UK / 3pm CET / 4pm Kyiv
Turkey in the Caucasus and Black Sea Region: What Does Four More Years of Erdoğan Mean?
Online panel discussion on: Turkey in the Caucasus and Black Sea Region: What Does Four More Years of Erdoğan Mean? June 22, 2023, 16:00 Tbilisi Time Watch Live on Youtube
Solidarity with Ukraine: building a new internationalism
Democratic Security Institute is proud to be a partner of this event being hosted by the London School of Economics Conflict and Civicness Research Group. The event seeks to bring together academics and activists from varied backgrounds in support of Ukraine. While we recognise not many of our friends and supporters in the region are likely…
Live Stream: Online Panel Discussion
Date: 21 December, 2022, 18:00 Tbilisi time For registration, please follow the URL: